29 January 2009

Sunny Thursday

I have not been able to blog as much as I had hoped lately, but duty calls as I am now a mom :) Greyson is getting better for the most part. He still has occasional problems with the acid reflux but I think we might be on the mend. We are still working on him sleeping in his bassinet by himself and I feel now that I could be going temporarily insane ;)...due to lack of sleep. I actually caved in and took a nap this afternoon while Grey took a nap. Thanks to my mom coming over, I was able to go grocery shopping yesterday and was able to get some laundry done and some bread rising today. This is experiment #3 with the bread baking. We will see how this one turns out. I am really hoping to get the hang of baking my own bread. It will be much more nutritional and probably even cheaper than store bought bread. Well, I've got to go clean the bathrooms before Grey wakes up for the afternoon. Blessings!

1 comment:

Amber Longiotti said...

I have been meaning to mention that one of the gals here at work said she quit drinking all caffeine and has eliminated all dairy from her diet as well while breast feeding her daughter and she sleeps much better at night and is less fussy without the dairy as it can cause gas. You may already be doing this but I wanted to pass along the info just in case!