Our garden is finally looking like the real thing! This year we have corn, green beans, peas, about four different kinds of tomatoes, an artichoke, burpless cucumbers, lemon cucumbers, pickling cucumbers, zucchini, yellow squash, watermelon, cantaloupe, sugar pumpkins, a few carrots, parsley, mint, sage, rosemary, and my personal fav, basil. Whew! I think I am going to try and can my tomatoes for the first time ever and try freezing the rest of the veggies and maybe the herbs. Hubby's mom found us a food saver at the goodwill for $10.00 that works perfectly :) , so we will be using that to vacuum package our veggies. What our garden doesn't provide enough of, I will buy at the local growers markets and pick out some fresh organics. I have just started studying and purchasing organic foods and yes they taste sooooo much better, expensive, but better.

We spent the day yesterday driving up to one of the many lakes we live near and had lunch with my parents and then went on a short hike. Greyson LOVES riding in the backpack on his daddy's shoulders. It was HOT but so worth every drop of sweat. Absolutely gorgeous!